Heather and Chris have lived in Knoxville since 1996 when they came to school at the University of Tennessee. They founded One Look Properties in 2005 when they bought and renovated their first house in the historic 4th and Gill neighborhood. They now own 5 single family properties, 2 duplexes, and 1 triplex and manage their 11 rentals. All but one of their properties are in historic in-town neighborhoods of Knoxville, which is where Chris and Heather live and work. Heather and Chris were awarded the "Preservation Award" in 2019 by Knox Heritage in honor and recognition of the renovation of 723 East Scott Ave.
Chris is also a Realtor with First Neighborhoods Reality. He specializes in selling homes in and around Knoxville's historic neighborhoods.
**Beware of fraud. Do not communicate with anyone in regards to our properties other Chris Casteel at 865-803-6661. We do not require wire transfers. We will personally show properties to all prospective tenants.**
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